Best 7 fitness tips to stay healthy and motivated for beginners

               Best 7 fitness tips to stay healthy and motivated for beginners


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Hey, are you thinking to stay healthy and motivated and don’t know how? Here are some special tips for you if you are a beginner. Many of us are struggling related to their health issue and because of this is not feeling motivated. Today I will share with you very easy and very important tips and facts related to this, here are your tips:

1) Perfect sleep is necessary:

Most of us do not focus on our sleep as most of us are working somewhere for approx 8-10 hours at least, and when they come to the home they feel sleepy and still, they do some other task


So, what should we do know? You should take a power nap for 20-30 minutes and then do another task like dinner or going to the gym after that take sleep for at least 6-8 hours. This will help your body to relax and recover the muscles.

2) Taking a good bath

Why should we take a good bath? Here is your answer everybody should take a good bath at least once a day because it relaxes our mind make us feel lighter. After taking a bath it seems to have some internal energy which motivates me to start doing that day’s task. Now the temperature of the water should be normal and slightly warmer but not too hot or too cold.

3) Do exercise every day

Doing exercise daily keeps you energetic and fantastic. Exercise kills your body’s fat and gives you a good personality. You should do it at least for half an hour, if you are a little bit fat or fat then you should do it for one hour. But you all need to focus on few important things such as;

Do not run ultra-fast or for more than 20 minutes because it will kill your fat and you will start looking like a skinny person, again for the fat person it is good to do running but as like jogging.

  • Stretching and yoga are good for you, As they heal your pain.
  • Please try to avoid high-intensity work out as you are not a professional athlete.
  • Eat healthy foods.

4) Eat healthy fruits and food

We all love to eat candy burgers and any other fast food over our hand made super healthy food. Fast food like pizza, burger candies, and any other fast food is not going to help in maintaining your physical shape. If you’re dedicated to your health then you must prefer to eat fruits and vegetables.

 Green vegetables play a major role in giving you a strong shape and your shape provides you good confidence and self-motivation. You should add at least one of meat, seafood, fruits like bananas, apples, green vegetables like beans, broccoli, and spinach plants (feathers).

A healthy meal helps you to do your task and in less part of the diet, you can do a high amount of work. So you should avoid eating outside fast food and try your home meal.

5) Join your friends for physical training

As you want to achieve your goal then you must take help from your friends. Doing exercise with your friend will motivate you to compete with them and you will take it as fun. Enjoyment is also important for getting in a good shape or staying fit and healthy.

6) Make it your daily routine

Sometimes you will find that you don’t want to do exercise anymore, this will make you lazy. And this time is tough to handle, don’t make excuses play motivational music, and continue doing your exercise. You can prefer to have some short running or walking in the park or somewhere to warm up your body. You can prefer the stairs instead of the lift, and the second thing you can do is take a bicycle instead of the bike also you can do cycling while watching TV shows.

7) Make your goal  

Setting up your goad is another key point to stay healthy and motivated, especially for beginners. Start making simple and short goals, but it should be realistic and easy to perform.

For example, if you are a beginner and not practiced yet, then you can set up your goals as doing exercise for 10 minutes a day with some light exercise, and then start increasing your exercise timing day by day.

For adults, the exercise timing should be between one hour to one and half an hour. Include your moderate and vigorous activity.

Conclusion: These are a few tips if do you have other then please comment.

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